I received a survey email from a bartending newsletter, asking me some questions about my passion for mixing drinks as a career. As I was responding to his email it occurred to me that the responses go a long way towards explaining some of my thinking processes on why I ditched a long career in telecom to pursue this as a new direction in life. My thoughts (in bold) as follows: Why do you care about craft cocktails & mixology? Originally it began as a fascination - and then obsession - with finding the best martinis on my travels. This became the concept for a book entitled CHASING MARTINIS, which is still not yet finished. But my interest peaked when I realized that to be a true authority on the martini that I ought to be a trained bartender and not just a consumer. I've since completed a hundred-hour education in Mixology, learning 200 different drinks and the necessary techniques for each one. What was originally a passion is now an avocation. - Are you t...
Regular blog for writer, traveler and bartender Steve Barber, detailing his adventures around the world and chasing the perfect martini.